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UrduPoint is credible and every Breaking News is verified before publishing. We do not publish any news piece just to grab a few more eyeballs. Unlike other news channels our publications, our voice is not biased. Our reporters and journalists work day and night to deliver the most authentic Breaking Urdu News. So, as far as the language is concerned, Urdu will be Pakistan’s language." Latest Breaking Urdu News Without one language, a nation cannot be unified and function as a whole. "Let me make it very clear that Urdu will be the state language of Pakistan. In a public address, our very own Quaid-e-Azam and Secretary-General of the time stated the importance of Urdu in the following words, As Urdu is widely understood among various provinces and regions in Pakistan, so it acts a perfect medium to drop Top Trending News. UrduPoint takes pride in providing Real Time Breaking News in Urdu, because we believe in the ideology that our language has the capability to unite dispersed sections in Pakistan. UrduPoint’s digital platform contains a wide variety of news sections in Urdu News, which include the following: We do not have enough time to go through printed newspapers in order to read the remaining sections of headlines. So what could be a better medium for information dissemination than mobile phones? Our fast-paced lifestyles demand us to access news digitally and swiftly. We are more connected to our mobile phones than anything else. The advancement in technology has transformed our world into a global village. UrduPoint - Digital Urdu Channel for Breaking News

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